Tuesday, 16 August 2016


Hello Readers,
We( Dr. Nathan and team) are glad to announce that our Indian version of Ketogenic diet not only has its website (www.ketogenicdietindia.org) but also a blog.

In this blog, we will share different practical aspects of Ketogenic diet. Its uses in different diseases and disorders. We will make sure all the explanation is in layman language.

We will also share some of our recipes, patients experience and much more.So for more updates please stay tuned with us.

Now let us understand about Ketogenic diet.

The ketogenic diet is based on the ancient observation that fasting controls seizures.

The ketogenic diet is a scientifically calculated, individualized, high fat, low carbohydrate, normal protein diet which is used to control seizures in persons with uncontrolled epilepsy.

How Ketogenic diet works?
Our usual diet consists of carbohydrate (cereals like wheat, rice, jowar, etc.), proteins (Pulses (dals), milk and milk products in vegetarians and meat like mutton and chicken and eggs in non-vegetarians) and fat (oils, ghee (clarified butter) and butter). Carbohydrates are in large quantities, protein in lesser amounts and fats the least. The body prefers to use carbohydrate (in the form of blood glucose) as the fuel for all body functions. The brain too uses this glucose preferentially. Only when carbohydrate is not available as in the fasting state the body and the brain uses fat as the fuel. This fat, in the absence of carbohydrate or when very little carbohydrate is available, is metabolized to ketone bodies (acetone, acetoacetic acid and beta hydroxyl butyric acid). These circulate in the blood and thus enter the brain. They are anti-epileptic. Thus the body prepares its own anti-epileptic medication. Since only natural foods are used in this diet there are very few side-effects. As opposed to this the side –effects of medications are well known.

To make it more easy to understand, have a look at the pictures given below:-

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